Read me for translators This file serves as a guide for translators, and identifies which things have changed, and need translation. The latest version of this file can be downloaded from our website: Readme for Translators March 20, 2017 For all the languages, these are the new labels which need translation: The Action - Discard button, which was introduced some time ago has not been translated yet. This button can be turned on in Settings - Show Buttons, and allows permanent delete of the last recording: "Error in discarding." "Discard last recording ?" "Discard filename: " Record something first Successfully discarded: Successfully discarded last recording The labels for main Record, Pause, Stop, Play button have been shortened, to just say button name and current recording state. And there is the new Toggle Record Pause button, which is spoken as Toggle to keep it short: Record, Recording Pause, Recording Stop, Recording Play, Recording Toggle, Recording Record, Paused Pause, Paused Stop, Paused Play, Paused Toggle, Paused Record, Stopped Pause, Stopped Stop, Stopped Play, Stopped Toggle, Stopped Record, Playing Pause, Playing Stop, Playing Play, Playing Toggle, Playing The labels for the older AAMR 1 widget can be translated: "AAMR 1, Power Control buttons" The labels for the new widget which contains the new Toggle Record Pause button, which will just be called Toggle to keep it short, basically we need a new word for Toggle: "AAMR 8, Toggle, Stop Play Show App buttons" This line also needs translation - is shown as a Toast message when Notification Always On button is changed, and informs user about battery optimizers which may kill the app, if such optimizer apps are running: "Make sure battery optimizers\n\n are not stopping this app" These are some other lines which need translation: The translation for the Menu - Website button: Website The translation for the Effects - Voice Changer button: "Voice Changer, is off" "Voice Changer is set to," The Menu - Rate button has this new content description label: "Reminder to Rate app on Google Play, this button will go away after you click it" These 4 lines are related to when user presses the Auto Call Record button on left side of screen - they need to be replaced: Automatic Call Record is Disabled Automatic Call Record is Enabled. See Settings - Call Recorder "Automatic Call Record Disabled" "Automatic Call Record Enabled\n\n See Settings - Call Recorder" The above 4 lines have been replaced by an expanded set of messages. Now user is informed about Settings - Call Recorder etc.: Auto Call Record is Disabled\n\nCalls can still be recorded by manually pressing Record after phone call has started "Auto Call Record is Enabled" "Incoming Auto Record setting is Disabled" "Outgoing Auto Record setting is Disabled" "Select phone type using Settings - Call Recorder - Reset Call Recorder" "Auto Call Record Disabled" "Calls can be recorded manually:\n\n press Record after phone call has started" "Auto Call Record Enabled" "Incoming Auto Record is Disabled\n\n(turn On in Settings - Call Recorder)" "Outgoing Auto Record is Disabled\n\n(turn On in Settings - Call Recorder)" "Select Phone type in Settings:\n\n Call Recorder - Reset Call Recorder" These are new lines that are related to the Power Controls button on left side of the screen. When you turn this on, you can control recording by 3 clicks of Power button: "Power Controls are Disabled in Settings\n(turn on in Settings - Record Controls)" "Power Controls are Disabled" "Power Controls are Enabled" "Power Controls are Disabled in Settings\n(turn on in Settings - Record Controls)" "Power Controls Disabled" "Power Controls Enabled" "Choose Power button options\n\n in Settings - Record Controls" "If screen on/off is slow, turn off notifications on lock screen using Android Settings - Sounds & notifications" "Click slowly (once per second)\n\n to avoid double-click" "Make sure battery optimizers\n\n are not stopping this app" "WARNING: Power Controls actually uses screen on/off events (we cannot monitor Power button).\n\nTurn off Power Controls for important recordings (to avoid inadvertent triggering because of random screen on/off events)." This text is shown in the notification that appears when Power Controls feature is turned on using Power Controls button on left side of the screen: Power Controls (Settings - Record Controls) These are spoken if the free trial is over for the auto outgoing call recording (which is a paid feature): "Free Trial is over for:\n\n Outgoing Auto Record\n\nPurchase using: Menu - Store" "Incoming Auto Record is still FREE" "Manual call record is still FREE" This is spoken if a Power button is used to end calls: "Ending Call" Translating the app If you are a translator who wants to update a translation, you can download the language file from below and then edit it to correct a translation, or translate the phrases which are in English. If you want to translate for a new language, download the English version from below, and replace the English phrases with translations in your language, and then e-mail us the file. If you cannot work with the XML format, we can provide a text format or some other format. Just e-mail us for help. Our website: Download the files below by right-clicking and then clicking on Save in your browser. English: Arabic: Chinese Traditional (Taiwan): Dutch: Italian: Norwegian: Polish: Portuguese (Brazil): Romanian: Russian: Spanish (Spain):